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Hudson Yard


Steve Jobs





Mitsui Fudosan takes 90% stake in NYC's most expensive office tower


Japanese developer Mitsui Fudosan is taking a 90 Percent stake in Related Companies' (注1)50 Hudson Yards --- the $4 billion tower that's the most expensive office development in the city's history.
The investment is the company's largest stake in a single building, Reuters reported.  A subsidiary of Tokyo-based Mitsui Group, Mitsui Fudosan also owns a majority stake in 55 Hudson Yards, which it acquired for $259 million in late 2014.

Words :


stake    出資金

subsidiary   助成金

Tokyo-based     東京に本社のある

acquire    手に入れる


The 58-story tower at 50 Hudson Yards, developed by Related and Oxford Properties Group, will have 2.79 million square feet of retail and office space, and will be one of the largest office buildings in the area when it's completed in 2022.  Plans filed with the Industrial Development Agency from earlier this year show all in development costs for the 985-foot tower will be $3.94 billion ---or $1,400 per square foot.

Words :

the 58-story     58階建ての

file with ~  ~に提出された


In May, BlackRock(注2) disclosed it will pay $1.25 billion for a 20-year lease at the tower.  The asset manager will occupy 847,000 square feet.  BlackRock is paying $74 a square foot over the life of the lease, but just $60 a square foot over the first five years.
Sources told Reuters that the asset manager will also have to cough up around $30 per square foot in annual operating expenses and property taxes.  The lease starts in 2023.

Words :

disclose     明らかにする

lease    リース

asset     資産

occupy    占める

cough up    お金を工面する

expense    費用

property taxes   財産税

Mitsui Fudosan's footprint in New York City includes its headquarters at 1251 Six Avenue, as well as 55 Hudson Yards, a 1.3 million-square-foot office building and 527 Madison Avenue, a boutique office building with 240,000 square feet. It also developed 160 Madison Avenue, a 41-story rental building.

Words :

footprint   足跡

headquarter     本部


In May, Related was in advanced talks to sew up $2.5 billion in financing for the office tower, including $700 million in equity and a $1.8 billion senior loan from a syndicate of banks.  Bank of China, Deutsche Bank and Wells Fargo(注3) are putting together a five-year mortgage for the tower, The Real Deal reported, citing, sources.  At the time, sources said a foreign institutional investor would provide the additional equity, with two sources naming Mitsui Fudosan.  [Reuters]---F.B. Solomont

Words :

advanced    進んだ

mortgage     ローン(家の)


注1:ニューヨークの不動産開発会社。CEOはJeff T. Blau (ジェフ・ブラウ)。





注2:ニューヨークの資産運用会社。会長兼CEOはLaurence D. Fink(ローレンス・フィンク)5月には、ブラックロック(注2)が、そのタワービルの20年リース契約に12億5千万ドル出すことが決まった。彼は84万7千平方フィートを占有することになる。ブラックロックは、リース期間はずっと1平方フィートに74ドルを払うことになるのだが、最初の5年間は1平方フィートに対して60ドルだ。関係者がロイターに語ったことによると、この資産管理会社も毎年運営費と固定資産税として1平方フィートにつき約30ドルを払わなければならないという。リース開始は2023年だ。




アンカー 1

1. Go for perfect.       

Jobs sweats the details. The night before the first iPod launched, the Apple staff stayed up all night replacing headphone jacks because Jobs didn’t think they were “clicky” enough.

Words :

sweat     気にかける

launch     立ち上げる

replace     取り替える

2. Tap the experts.       
Jobs hired architect I.M. Pei to design the NeXt logo and recruited the Gap’s Mickey Drexler to Apple’s board before launching the company’s retail chain.


Words :

architect     建築家

board     理事

retail chain     小売りチェーン店

3. Be ruthless.      
Jobs is as proud of the products he has killed as of the ones he has released. He worked hard on a Palm Pilot clone, only to kill it where he realized cell phones would eclipse PDAs. That freed up his engineers to develop the iPod. 

Words :

eclipse     失墜させる  上回る







アンカー 2

Everyday, our colleagues work passionately to positively impact the lives of patients, using

essence to create a healthier world


Pathogens no longer responding to commonly used medicines ---Is raising concerns of LIFE-THREATENING Infections that are difficult to treat

Words :

colleagues    同僚たち

passionately    情熱を持って

antimicrobial resistance     抗菌薬耐性菌

pathogens     病原菌

concerns      心配事

life-threatening    命をおびやかす

infections   感染症


We join the global fight against drug-resistant infections with:
・A diverse portfolio of vaccines and medicines to help prevent and treat life-threatening infections

・Active stewardship to ensure appropriate antibiotic use

・Innovative surveillance to track resistance treats

・Global policy leadership to facilitate antibiotic and vaccines development

・Responsible manufacturing practices that do not harm human health or the environment


We are using the Power of Science and strong partnerships to help protect the public from infectious disease, now and in the future 

Words :

drug-resistance     薬に耐性のある

diverse portfolio       多様な製品

stewardship   連帯関係

appropriate    適切な

antibiotic     抗生物質の

innovative    革新的な

surveillance    監視

facilitate    促進する









アンカー 3
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