Our History
In 1869, three Sisters of Charity opened their doors to save the lives of babies being abandoned on the streets of New York, beginning the tremendous legacy of the New York Foundling. Over the past 149 years, the Sisters’ ministry has continued evolving from a respite home for abandoned children, to a comprehensive spectrum of community support services designed to empower the vulnerable children and families of New York. While social situations and our approach to our mission have evolved, we continue to share our founders’ belief that no one should ever be abandoned, and that all children deserve the right to grow up in loving and stable environments.
abandoned 捨てられた
tremendous すごい 壮大な
foundling 孤児院
ministry 省
evolve 進化する
respite 一時の
comprehensive 包括的な
spectrum 活動範囲
empower 力をつける
vulnerable 弱い
founder 創始者
stable 落ち着いた
Media headlines tell disheartening stories about abused children being removed from their homes, but this represents only a fraction of the cases in which parents are unable to care for their children and foster placements become necessary. Now, at any given time, more than 600 children are living in Foundling foster homes and residential facilities around the city.
disheartening 失望させるような
represent 表す
fraction 断片
foster 養育する
residential 住居の
While supporting and strengthening the family so that children can remain in their homes is always our hope (visit our Preventing Foster Care Placement page to find out more), the child’s welfare must be the first priority. We take great care to ensure that every child in one of our foster homes lives in a safe and nurturing environment, providing services that focus on their emotional, psychological and physical health.
welfare 福祉
the first priority 最優先
ensure 確実にする
nurture はぐぐむ
psychological 精神的な
When the child is in foster care, we work with birth families to plan for a permanent solution. Our goal is to provide the support and parental training necessary to enable families and children to reunite and, when that’s not possible, to find an alternative permanent and stable living solution. Our full-time caseworkers are devoting their lives each day in all five boroughs to strengthening our foster families and birth families, so that all children live in healthy, stable and loving environments.
parental 親の
reunite 結ぶ
alternative 別の
boroughs 行政区
子供たちが自分の家に居続けることができるように、家族をサポートし、力づけることは常に私たちの希望です。(詳しくは、"Preventing Foster Care Placement"のページをご覧ください。)その一方で、子供の幸せが最優先でなければなりません。我々は、一人一人の子供を見守り、フォスターホームで安全に養育されることをて確実なものにします。そして、子供たちが心身共に健康であるように支援をします。
Our Mission:
Youth Today provides quality, independent journalism and training for professionals who work to ensure that all of our children reach their full personal, educational and societal potential.
independent どこにも属さない
ensure 確実にする
potential 潜在能力
Our Vision:
Youth Today in collaboration with Kennesaw State University will be the go-to place for all things having to do with news, information and professional development needed by youth service professionals, policymakers, advocates, academics, educators, funders and practitioners.
the go-to place 必要とされている場所
policymakers 政策立案者
advocates 主導者
funders 資金提供者
Youth Today is an independent, national media outlet, with 24/7/365 online access for professional youth workers, administrators of youth-serving agencies and researchers and public policy staff who work on youth issues.
outlet 発信者
administrators 管理者
youth-serving 若者にサービスを提供する
issues 関連すること 問題
Youth Today is published by the nonprofit Center for Sustainable Journalism at Kennesaw State University, located just outside of Atlanta, GA. The Center also publishes the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange (JJIE.org), an online publication reporting on juvenile justice and related issues around the U.S. Together, the publications are a powerhouse in the youth service arena.
nonprofit 利益追求型ではない
juvenile 青少年の
justice 正義
related 関連する
powerhouse エネルギッシュな組織
With a national reach, Youth Today covers the business of starting, operating and evaluating programs in areas such as juvenile justice, foster care, mentoring, substance abuse, sexual behavior, after-school, youth employment and overall youth development.
Other issues covered include child welfare; college and careers; gang and violence prevention; adolescent health; teen pregnancy and parenting; after-school programs and mentoring; best practices; and much more.
evaluate 評価する
mentor 先生
substance abuse 薬物乱用
The Center for Sustainable Journalism became publisher of Youth Today in March 2012. Formerly it was published by the American Youth Work Center, a nonprofit founded by Publisher Bill Treanor in 1984 in Washington, D.C.
formerly 以前は
founded by ~ ~から資金を得ていた