Mark G. Peters, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”), in collaboration with Frank Ginsberg, Founder, Chairman and CEO of the advertising agency afg&, announced the launch of a five borough media campaign entitled “Shine A Light on Shady Behavior,” in the City subways. The campaign focuses on the public cost of three different corruption scenarios – back alley deals, cutting corners on construction sites, and fake inspections – and encourages New Yorkers to report these crimes and other corruption they see to DOI at 212-3-NYC-DOI.
commisioner 長官
investigation 監察 調査
borough 行政区
entitled ~ ~という呼び名で
deals 取引
cut corners 手抜きをする
fake 偽の
corruption 汚職
The campaign, which debuted last month in subway stations and on subway cars and urban panels, is a continuation of DOI’s years’ long public awareness campaigns. Last year’s campaign, “Bribery & Corruption Are a Trap. Don’t Get Caught Up. Report It,” was also created pro-bono by afg&. The goal of both campaigns has been to publicize the damaging blow corruption has on the City and empower New Yorkers to act and report these conditions to DOI.
awareness 気づき
pro-bono 無償の仕事
publicize 公に知らせる
the damaging blow ダメージ
DOI Commissioner Mark G. Peters said, “Corruption costs all New Yorkers. This year’s campaign again reminds New Yorkers: Report misconduct to DOI and we will investigate and stop it. In partnership with the public, DOI will continue to fight corruption, protect public safety and safeguard valuable tax payer dollars.”
remind 思い出させる
tax payer dollars 納税者のお金
afg& Chairman Frank Ginsberg said, “The DOI is a critical agency in maintaining the safety of all New Yorkers. We wanted to highlight the importance of this agency and provide an outlet for all to take part in reducing corruption in the five boroughs.”
critical 重要な
maintain 維持する
highlight 光を当てる 目立たせる
outlet for ~ ~に通じる窓口
reduce 減らす
Each of the posters created for this year’s campaign depict a different type of corruption that costs the City and could potentially endanger New Yorkers. In “All New Yorkers Pay for Back Alley Deals,” a dimly-lit back alley is the perfect place for a clandestine meeting between partners in crime; for the poster, “Cutting Corners Comes at a Cost,” the rubble of a construction site sits behind caution tape; and in “Just One Fake Inspection is all it Takes,” the faulty-wiring of an electrical box is exposed, and in turn, exposes those around it to danger. Copies of the posters are now displayed in the subways and are attached to this release. The campaign will also be posted at City agencies.
endanger 危険に陥れる
back alley 裏通り
dimly 薄暗い
clandestine meeting 密談
rubble がれき
caution 注意
inspection 調査 検査
attach 張り付ける
NYC is having its "felt cute, might delete later" moment. Peep our celebration of the adorable in the city.
Feeling Cute, Might Delete Later, sometimes written Felt Cute, Might Delete Later, is an image macro series featuring pictures of people, animals and fictional characters taking selfie photographs captioned with messages indicating that they felt attractive but may remove the image from social media at a later date. In late March 2019, the #FeelingCuteChallenge hashtag was created, in which participants share humorous photos paired with variations of the phrasal template "feeling cute, might X later."
peep 覗く
"felt cute, might delete later" SNSのハシュタグ(可愛いものを見つけてネットに流す)
featuring ~ ~に焦点を当てた
fictional 想像上の
selfie 自撮りの
attractive 魅力的な
remove 消す 取る
participants 参加者
paired with ~ ~と一緒になった
"Feeling Cute, Might Delete Later"、もしくは"Felt Cute, Might Delete"と書いてあることがありますが、人や動物、架空のキャラクターが自撮りしている画像のシリーズのことで、投稿者が可愛いとは思うけど、あとでSNSからその画像を消すかもしれない、というメッセージをつけているものです。2019年3月下旬、#FeelingCuteChallengeというハシュタグが作られました。そこでは、参加した人たちがユーモラスな画像に"feeling cute, might X later."というテンプレートを付けています。
Substance Treatment and Research Service (STARS)
The Substance and Treatment Research Service (STARS) is a program of Columbia University Medical Center and the New York State Psychiatric Institute, conducting clinical trials for substance use disorder treatment. We offer free and confidential research treatment for a variety of addictive and co-occurring psychiatric disorders in a supportive and professional environment. We are conveniently located on Columbus Circle in midtown Manhattan.
Contact info
3 Columbus Circle, Suite 1408
New York, NY 10019
substance 物質
treatment 治療
psychiatric 精神医学の
institute 研究所
conduct 行なう
clinical 臨床の
trials 試行
disorder 障害
offer 提供する
confidential 内密の
addictive 依存症の
supportive 協力的な