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Moma kids.jpg


Milton Galamison



Find Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, by Umberto Boccioni, on the fifth floor of the Museum.
Walk around the sculpture. What do you notice about the figure? How would you describe the action the artist was trying to show?

Boccioni tried to capture a figure in motion.

Sketch the sculpture from two different sides. Zoom in on a detail or draw the whole figure. What did you notice?

Act out the movements this figure would make if it came to life. 


continuity     続き 連続

sculpture     彫刻

describe    表現する  描く

capture     つかむ   とらえる

in motion   動いている

come to life   実在する





アンカー 1

The New York work of an artist who created a children's classic.

Don Freeman's New York


The adventures of Corduroy, the stuffed bear in green overalls, have been delighting children and adults for half a century—ever since Don Freeman’s children’s classic was published in 1968. But few know about Freeman’s long career as an artist who documented New York. A City for Corduroy: Don Freeman’s New York presents the gamut of Freeman’s New York work, from his lively and humane depictions of ordinary New Yorkers and the city in the 1930s, to his illustrated scenes of the Broadway backstage, to his children’s books inspired by the city, including not just the Corduroy books but also Pet of the Met and Hattie the Backstage Bat. The exhibition features drawings, paintings, publications, and prints, as well as the artist’s original studies and sketches of Corduroy and other characters.

Words :

Corduroy   コーデュロイ(主人公のクマの名前)

the stuffed bear   ぬいぐるみのクマ

overalls    オーバーオール(つなぎの洋服)

delight   楽しませる

career      キャリア  やってきた仕事

humane   人間味あふれる

depiction    描写

ordinary    日常の

be inspired by ~  ~にひらめきを与えられる

exhibition   展示

feature   特集する



緑のオーバーオールを着たぬいぐるみのコーデュロイの冒険はフリードマンの絵本が1968年に出版されて以来半世紀の間ずっと子供や大人を楽しませてくれています。しかしニューヨークを記録した芸術家としてのフリーマンの長い人生を知っている人はほとんどいません。特別企画の「コーデュロイの街」では、ドン・フリーマンの作品にあるニューヨークの雰囲気をご覧いただけます。1930年代の生き生きとした、人間味溢れるありふれたニューヨーカーや街の様子から、ブロードウェイの舞台裏の描写に至るまで様々に描かれています。コーデュロイの他に、Pet of the Met(注:Metはメトロポリタン歌劇場)や、Hattie the Backstage Bat のように街らひらめきを与えられた本なども同様です。。フリーマン自身の習作やコーデュロイやその他の登場人物のスケッチばかりでなくデッサン、絵画、出版本、版画も展示しています。



アンカー 2

Milton Galamison, Leader in a Dispute Over the Schools, 65

The Rev. Milton A. Galamison, a Brooklyn pastor for four decades who was a major figure in the dispute over decentralizing the New York City schools in the 1960's, died of cancer Wednesday at his home in Brooklyn. He was 65 years old. Mr. Galamison, who wore a dashiki as he picketed construction sites to obtain more jobs for his fellow blacks and who led school boycotts to urge better education for minority-group children, served briefly as vice president of the New York City Board of Education.

Words :

pastor      牧師

a decade    10年

dispute     いざこざ

decentralize       集中をなくす  分散させる

dashiki    ダシキ(アフリカの民族衣装)

picket    ピケをはる   (地面に杭を打ち付ける)

construction sites     建設現場

briefly     短く

vice    副

Board of Education 教育委員会






アンカー 3
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