The story of the Peopling of America
The story of the Peopling of America is epic and complex. It spans thousands of years, contains an amazing diversity of characters, and takes place within a broad, global context.
It encompasses conquest, colonization, migration, enslavement, and annexation. It embraces those who settled here permanently as well as those who stayed for awhile, and then returned home.
We invite you to explore the Peopling of America in four exhibits:
・Global Migration
・Journeys: The Peopling of America, 1550-1890
・The Ellis Island Experience, 1892-1954
・Journeys: New Eras of Immigration, 1945 to the Present
peopling 定住
epic 壮大な
diversity 多様性
encompass 含む
conquest 征服
annexation 併合
embrace 含む
those who ~ ~する人々
The Railroad Ticket Office
This room, added to the main building in 1905, was originally the railroad ticket office, where immigrants could make travel arrangements to their final destinations in the United States.
Only 1/3 of the immigrants who arrived at Ellis Island planned to stay in New York. The great majority were bound for other areas, mostly in the Northeast and Midwest, where job opportunities were most plentiful. During the peak season of immigration (spring to fall), thousands of people crowded into this office either to purchase tickets or to have their prepaid tickets verified.
Ticket agents sitting behind desks along the window walls booked travel for the immigrants through a transportation pool consisting of twelve railroad and three steamship companies. The agents, attempting to give each company its desired "share" of the immigrant traffic, would sometimes book passengers on roundabout routes --- a practice that immigration officials tried to prevent.
the great majority 大部分
be bound for ~ ~に向かう
job opportunities 仕事の口
plentiful たくさんある
verify 有効にする
consist of ~ ~からなる
desired "share" 要求されている「割り当て」
book 予約する
roundabout routes 遠回りのルート
prevent 防ぐ
Trachoma, a highly contagious
Eye infection that could cause blindness, was common in south-eastern Europe but relatively unknown in the United States. It appeared as inflammations on the inner eyelid. Doctors checked for the disease by raising the eye lid with their fingers, a hairpin, or a buttonhook. Since trachoma was difficult to cure, sufferers were generally isolated and sent back to their ports of embarkation.
During the peak year of immigration, detentions on Ellis Island ran as high as 20% for all immigrants inspected. A detainee's stay could last days or even weeks. Many were women and children waiting for relative, or for money to arrive so they could purchase tickets to their destinations. Others were waiting for a hearing before a Board of Special Inquiry or for a final decision from Washington, D.C. Perhaps the most poignant of the detainees were families waiting for a sick parent or child to be released from the Ellis Island hospital.
trachoma トラコーマ(眼病の一種)
contagious 伝染する
infection 感染
common よく見られる
relatively 比較的
inflammation 炎症
eye lid まぶた
sufferer 被害者
isolated 隔離された
embarkation 乗船
detention 拘留
inspect 検査する
poignant 苦痛
release 解放する
detainee 拘留されている人
relative 親戚の人
destination 目的地
inquiry 審問 取り調べ